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 We fully believe and stand behind RESPECT being given to the full rights of individual ownership which are in conjunction with the required needs for owning, breeding, raising, caring for, and maintaining the highest possible health for the continuation of improved genetics and all other aspects involved in producing the highest possible quality of Conti to be found in the USA. 

*note: In 2016,  the owners of this site, group, and book, also created the name for this breed as “American Continental Giant“, or “The American Giant.” 

About Continental Giants

Continental Giants are the largest, sweetest, and calmest breed of rabbits in the world. They are quickly becoming more readily available and remain as one of the most highly desired breeds in the USA. These Giant rabbits are curious, often playful, and make excellent pets for all ages. Every Continental Giant has their own personality, and they thrive on human companionship. They also do very well with other companion pets; such as dogs, cats, ferrets, and others. 

Breed Origins

Continentals and all other giant rabbit breeds are stemmed  from the Flemish Giant, which originated in Flanders, Belgium in the later part of the 1800’s.  These breeds originally were mostly intended for use, in some countries, for meat production.   Otherwise, Continental Giants (or ‘Conti’) actually originated as a collective-breed term used in an International, world-wide rabbit show, and was named as such by a BRC Show Judge. 

Some countries may have or have-not adapted to this collective name as use for a breed-name.  Additionally, you may wish to note, that this breed name identification issue is a highly controversial topic among breeders of several countries.  For instance, in Canada, there is not an official distinction or recognition given in the comparison of Flemish Giants and Continental Giants.  Therefore, with such being the case, some Canadian breeders may mix-breed the “European” and “Flemish” giants and refer to them all as being Flemish Giants for show purposes.  This is why some breeders in the USA will not accept a Canadian-originated Giant as being a Continental; regardless of how many times or for how many years that the “European” bloodlines have been crossed into any individual rabbits.

To further complicate matters of origin, the combining of these various giant breeds, the bloodlines of any one individual Conti’s lineage may easily vary greatly.  To better explain, a German Giant which had been imported to a different country is still referred to as a German. However, once that rabbit has been bred to a “Continental”, the offspring of that mating are commonly referred to as being a Continental decedent.  With such being the case, it is not at all uncommon for a single bloodline to include British, Dutch, German, or other country-identified bloodlines.

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